Monday, October 25, 2010

The First News

My mom and dad had been praying for me for a long time so they were pleasantly surprised to find out about me on May 12, 2010.  My mom found out in the morning and surprised my dad when he woke up - talk about being shocked!!  That day my mom had to teach and then sit through a math training with other teachers all afternoon.   I don't think she heard a single word of what the presenter said!  Teaching fractions was not nearly as exciting as the news that I'm coming!  My dad worked all day at QST but says he spent a good portion of the day just staring at his computer screen letting the news soak in.  Here are the flowers he sent her and the note he left.  Sweet!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Let Me Introduce Myself

My name is Baby Kosten but my mom and dad call me Peanut for the time being.  I hear my parents have family and friends spread across Michigan and the United States so they've decided to start this blog to share fun information.  They are more what you would call "math people" so they are leaving the writing up to me!  Get ready for an honest look at how life changes in the Kosten house with my arrival!!

First things first, let me introduce you to my mom and dad!  By the time I arrive they will have been married for 4 1/2 years and together for almost 10!  They've spent the last few years working really hard as a teacher and professor/statistician and finishing graduate school.  It all started as students at Grand Valley State University where they met while working at The Meadows Golf Course. My dad has already been talking to me about golf - I think he's hoping I can pay for college with a golf scholarship!

They've also had the opportunity to travel to wonderful places, golf, take in beautiful days at Lake Michigan and spend lots of time with friends and family.  I can tell they are so excited to welcome me into their world and start a new chapter as a family!! 
Rocky Mountain National Park
Lake Michigan - Their favorite place in all seasons!
Mayan Ruins near Cancun, Mexico

Up North
Up North, Again

On our deck
New Hampshire (I am in this picture!!)