Thursday, December 30, 2010

Special Gifts

Both of my grandmas gave my mom and dad some very special gifts to prepare for my arrival!  My Nana Kosten is really good at sewing and knitting and she made me a beautiful yellow blanket.  I think my mom and dad will use it to keep me warm when they bring me home from the hospital.  She also made the bumper pads in my crib (pictures coming later!).  It really adds to the color and playfulness of the room!!

My Grandma Vitek had pieces of her wedding gown made into a Baptism gown for me.  It will be an exciting day to be baptized in such a special garment that she wore 40 years ago when she married my Grandpa Vitek.  I think it took a lot of courage to know her wedding dress was being cut into pieces!!  Thank you Grandma Kosten and Grandma Vitek!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Finished with School

My mom and dad have spent a LOT of time in school!  They have both wrapped up their graduate schooling just in time for me to arrive.  My mom finished her Educational Specialist degree at Grand Valley State University just a few weeks before they knew about me.  I was even able to graduate with her in May 2010!  Her degree is the coursework for a doctorate but I don't think she's going to finish the dissertation at this time.  She's been going to school on weekends for 5 years and I think she just wants to hang out with me for now. 

My dad graduated with his Ph.D in Statistics this weekend!  This has been a long road that started with taking a mixture of Masters and Ph.D courses at Western Michigan in 2003.  He's spent that last few years working just on his dissertation.  What a long process of researching, writing, rewriting, researching some more, and patience!  This was a common sight at our house the last few years:
Then, in October 2010, everything came together and he presented his finished paper!  He had to talk in front of a large room of about 55 people and then they could ask him any questions. Afterward, he went into a room with his committee (a group of faculty advisers) and they could ask him further questions. All of this is called "defending" his dissertation.  He did a FANTASTIC job and they approved his work on the spot!  Whew....we are so glad this day was over!

The best day was December 18, 2010 when my dad officially graduated!!  All of this excitement comes just in time for my arrival.  I think my dad will enjoy hanging out with me on his lap rather than a laptop!  Nana and Papa Kosten, Aunt Julie, my mom, and I were able to go to WMU and watch him be "hooded" at graduation.  Members of his dissertation committee stood with him on the stage and placed a very nice hood (colored fabric) over his head and shoulders to officially declare his a Ph.D.  He is now Dr. Scott Kosten and we couldn't be more proud!!!